You're tired of living from hand to mouth?
You can reverse the trend with self-discipline, if failure is not an option. Think of self-disciple as a form of sacrifice, denying self-life's pleasures for a moment to gain better future return on investment on your time.
You use the alarm clock for the occasional sleep over. But you could do without it. It gets complicated to control thoughts. You have conditioned the body to wake up at day break. Knowing self-discipline is a good starting point. Better yet, understanding how self-discipline shapes the foundation of success.
Self-discipline is the ability to control, and manage your feelings, actions and behaviors in order to channel them into productive use. The reason self-discipline is elusive is because it deals in abstracts.
As well as realistic, simple and workable steps to examine your own problems - a case study to show how cognitive behavioral therapy actually works, definitions and types of therapy - identifying the vicious cycle, hypnotherapy and isolating emotional threats.
Before you know it, you could be changing your thought patterns for the better and improving every aspect of your life as a result.
So, what are you waiting for?
Grab your copy today, take control of your mind and start your journey to achieve happiness!